Literature, Literature, Everywhere Literature

2013-12-02 14.33.38

I love the fact that literature references are all around us.  When I taught middle school and high school I found pleasure pointing out this aspect.  In the way they spoke, the music they listened to, and the movies they watched, literature was all around them and they didn’t even know it.  I was amazed at the novel studies we would encounter and how many students would say, “they stole ______’s saying”.  I would correct them and say “NO, _______ stole their saying!” and loved to see the development and complete understanding unfold.

I enjoy watching movies based on novels, but of course I have to read the novels first.  This is so I can compare the difference and almost always the movie can never compete with the novel.  I know I am probably going to sound completely nerdy with what I am fixing to reveal but oh well!  I enjoy reading classic literature and analyzing it, for a hobby!  YES I know, WHAAAAT!!  This is why I know I am destined in my journey of my M.A. in English.

I use this hobby to hone my own writing skills.  I am learning from the masters of writing.  Lucky for me I am hardly short of novels to read and analyze.

What is your passion and how is it incorporated around you?  We all have a passion and find in all around us.  It is what inspires us!

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