Tag Archives: Advice

Relationships, Why So Complicated?

So I am doing research for my novel, like always it seems lately.  I haven’t had the best of luck with relationships so I decided to research a little for my characters sake.  Sure I could write based on my wants and desires alone, but what if mine aren’t the universal consensus?  So who better to research from……..Cosmo!!  Oh that’s right, a woman’s relationship manual.  Of course I knew I would find the holy grail on relationship do’s and don’ts and I found a great read of “Me Falling in Love & What Makes It Happen.”  Well with a title like that I was intrigued by all means.

According to this article, men are wired a certain way.  Well DUH!  We are all wired a certain way!  I wanted to see what secrets they held and were telling.  It was interesting to see the four major ways to hook a guy.  Some I can see women making mistakes on, and I have to admit, I have made some according to Cosmo!  So what in the world are these four ways you are asking?  Well I will pass the secret on to all the other single ladies out there.

First, the desire to protect.  Women you must feed this desire.  Ask him to build something for you, ask his opinion on things, and wear delicate fabrics like silk.

Second, the desire for freedom.  Men still want their identity intact.  They don’t want to lose themselves in their woman.  So blow him off; don’t be readily available.  Respect his privacy; don’t snoop through his things!

Third, the desire to shine.  Men may be cocky but their are also insecure.  So women, make him happier when he is having a bad day.  Be a social butterfly and relieve the anxiety of social situations when you can.  Also play into his desire to protect by having him stand between you and another guy you think is getting too close.

And Fourth, the desire to comfort.  He needs to feel like you two just fit so stock up on things he likes at your place, cook together, and let him see you primp before heading out.  These are all things you do for just him and only him.  It makes him feel special.

So what in the world does this have to do with my novel?  Well, I have dating characters and since I haven’t the best of luck with dating I wanted my characters to have success. And if I happen to stumble across GREAT advice, so be it!

Now my big question…….what are your opinions on these four tips?  Do you agree with them, disagree, or do you think others needs to be added.  Maybe you have some advice to pass along, I will gladly like to hear it!


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