Tag Archives: school

This Thing Called Life

WOW, so life has completely taken over!  Between school, work, and what ever my son is currently into, I haven’t had time to breathe it seems.  School is winding up which I am glad.  I will be able to breathe more and a whole lot easier.  I have enjoyed my semester but it has been stressful.  Also work, which is school also, is coming to an end.  I am ready for summer which brings me to my son.  He is currently into baseball and I am loving it.  


He didn’t want to take the picture. Can you tell by his weird smile?!?

HOWEVER, it takes up sooooo much time and it is getting to be EXTREMELY hot!!  But I have to say I am a huge baseball fan.  Although according to Dayton, I will cheer at anything he does (and he is totally right!)  I have a loud mouth and I use it at any sporting event that my main man plays as well as any my students play also.  My students would tell me all the time I had no idea about the game but I was yelling!  

So what in the world has been so stressful about school, well I am currently working on a manual.  This manual is for hotel staff, specifically front desk.  I worked as a front desk clerk for 3 years and then as a manager for almost 2 years.  I enjoyed the work because I am a people person.  With this class, Professional Writing, I was given the assignment to create a manual for some type of company.  Being that I have only worked in the restaurant, hotel, and education worlds I decided to create one for the hotels.  I have enjoyed it but man has it been work.  On top of that class I am also creating a unit lesson plan for a literature class.  I have really enjoyed my time with all four classmates.  YES four!  It has been GREAT!  But again stressful because I have been very picky with my work.  I can’t wait to see all of the projects done.  

Now, with all that been said.  I have squeezed in some fun time.  We have a place called Global Wildlife and its like going on a safari.  You get up close and personal with the animals.  Although Dayton and I have been many times, it is always fun to go.  Spring Break also has included zoo time, great times with awesome friends, and of course…BASEBALL! 



Zebras were showing out!







What you got??




“Real men ride the pink Zebra!”


Best and Biggest ice cream EVER!!!!



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School is Back in Session

Well, school has started back and I am excited.  I have been adjusting for about two weeks.  

Reading Literature and typing up History notes

Reading Literature and typing up History notes

I was fortunate enough to grab a publishing class and it has been interesting thus far.  I can’t wait to see where this class takes me and my novel when I finally finish it.  Yes, my goals for finishing it before school started have been blown out the water and now I am aiming for Christmas but we will see.

Early morning read before class starts

Early morning read before class starts

I enjoy being on campus again.  I know that sounds crazy to some people but college campuses are unique environments.  You never know what is around the corner and it’s the best place to people watch!  I have very unique characters in two of my classes and it would be perfect for a psychology major.  I know some are saying “Nancy that is horrible!”  but come on you know you have all seen or encountered those people that you just can’t help but say “Why?”  I also have a love/hate relationship with stalking the parking lots for a parking spot.  You all know what I am talking about if you ever were a commuter! For those of you that do not know what I am referring to, it is where you circle the parking lots that you are only allowed to park in until you see someone with keys in hand going to their car.  You will drive very slowly behind them to grab their parking spot.  Now experts, such as I, have the class schedules down and know when classes let out and which parking lots people leave and stalk only those!  This is less stressful and really narrows your stalking to certain time frames.  I fully believe college parking lot stalking is a preparation for Black Friday shopping or shopping in general!  

Stalking the Parking Lot!

Stalking the Parking Lot!

I also enjoyed today walking into my last class of the day and someone in the prior class must have been really been bored.  There was an origami bird with a very tiny one underneath.  The larger “mamma” one was colored one by pens while the “baby” was tucked in a nest it seemed like.  I couldn’t help but be amazed at the talent, time, and shear boredom that was involved to create this and left for someone to find.  I left it for the next class hoping they found amusement also.


Well on the agenda for tomorrow is to write at least another chapter and not worry about critiquing what I have wrote just yet.  I decided to change some aspects up in the novel which put me in ADD mode of correcting mistakes on top of rewriting.  This put me behind my schedule of my writing timeline so I am now writing as often as I can to make up the difference.  I just do not want to write so quickly that my work is sloppy.  It is literally a work in progress just as I am!

Well I think I have rambled enough for tonight.  I hope ya’lls week ends on a good note!


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